Change Purse/Card Holder

Item # 383960P145
Intermediate Varies


  • 1/4 yd. each of main fabric & contrast for strap, binding and lining
  • 5" square vinyl
  • 2 Swivel hooks, 2-1/4" O-rings
  • Rotary cutter or scissors
  • Thread
  • Ruler


1. For strap: cut a 1-1/2" wide strip width of fabric.
2. Fold and press 1/2" seam on short ends.
3. Fold and press strip in half lengthwise.
4. Open and fold sides to center and press.
5. Edge stitch around strap.
6. Insert strap end into swivel hook.
7. Fold over 1" and sew close to hook.
8. Repeat for other side. Set aside.
9. Cut 2 – 5-1/4" x 4" from purse fabric and the same for lining.
10. Cut vinyl 4-1/4" x 3"
11. Binding: Cut a 1-1/4" strip for binding.
12. Make binding: Fold in half lengthwise. Fold edges to center and press.
13. Sew binding to vinyl.
14. Center vinyl piece to front of purse.
15. Sew around 3 edges of vinyl window, leaving top or one side open to insert card or id.
16. With right sides together, stitch purse front to back on sides and bottom, using a 1/4" seam.
17. Sew lining in same manner leaving an opening on bottom for turning.
18. With right sides together, stitch lining to purse along top using a 1/4" seam.
19. Turn and press.
20. Edge stitch along top of purse.
21. Stitch opening closed on lining.
22. Stitch O-rings to sides of purse.
23. Connect strap to purse.

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