- 1/4yd Flannel for Dress/Body (or 10" x 14" remnant)
- 1/4yd Skin Tone Flannel for Head, Arms and Legs (or 8" x 20" remnant)
- 1/2yd Flannel for Hair (or 13" x 16" remnant)
- 6" x 6" Flannel Remnant for Shoes
- 1/4yd Flannel for Skirt
- 4 1/2" Buttons
- 24" x 1/4" Ribbon for Braids
- Pearl Cotton or Embroidery Floss for Eyes, Nose and Mouth
- Disappearing Fabric Marker
- Fiberfill
- Matching Threads
- Basic Sewing Supplies
- 1/2 yd Flannel for Back Side (or 2 pieces 11" x 19")
- 1/2 yd Coordinating Flannel for Front Side (or 2 pieces 11" x 12")
- 1/4 yd Coordinating Flannel for Binding
- 1/2 yd Coordinating Flannel for Pillow (2 pieces 7" x 11")
- 1/2 yd Warm-N-Natural Batting
- Fiberfill
- Matching Threads
- Basic Sewing Supplies
To find the downloadable patterns click on the "GET PATTERNS" tab above.18" STUFFED DOLL:
NOTE: All seams are 1/4"and included in pattern pieces.- Cut out body pieces as directed.
- Body/dress and head - carefully clip top curve of body/dress pieces a scant 1/4" and about 1/4" apart. Stitch body/dress to head. Repeat with back head and body/dress.
- Arms - stitch arms together, clip curves turn RS out and lightly stuff.
- Baste or pin arms to armholes on front side of body/dress. (arms are crossed over the body)
- Pin head/body front and back to just below arms and stitch all around, clip curves.
- Carefully push arms up inside the head. (This makes it easier to sew the legs on).
- Legs and shoes - use a disappearing marker to draw on the stitching line on the top side of the shoes. Stitch shoe tops to leg bottoms; with RST, stitch legs together matching seams. Lightly stuff legs. Bend the shoe up and tuck under the leg and slip stitch the leg to the shoe at the drawn stitching line.
- Baste or pin legs to bottom on front side of body/dress between marks on pattern. (legs are flipped over the body).
- Continue stitching front to back, leaving an opening in the side for turning and stuffing.
- Clip curves and turn RS out.
- Stuff body and head; slip stitch opening closed.
- Hair - cut hair back into six pieces for braids as indicated. Sew hair front to hair back; clip curves close to stitching and clip around front as indicated on the pattern. Place hair onto head and lightly stuff. Turn under front edge 1/4" and slip stitch to head. To create the part in the hair, use a length of matching pearl cotton anchored at the center front and pulled to the back and knotted. Fold pieces in half and braid. Stitch or glue braids together at the ends and tie with ribbon.
- Use disappearing marker to draw on eyes and nose, and mouth see photo.
- Use pearl cotton to satin stitch on eyes and use a running back stitch for the nose and mouth.
- Skirt - cut 1 piece 8" x 26" for skirt; 1 piece 2 1/2" x 13" for waist band, and 2 pieces 1 1/2" x 12" for straps. Gather top edge of skirt and narrow hem the bottom. Adjust gathers to fit the waist band; stitch. Press the top of the waist band down 1/4" the fold to seam line and stitch; press.
- With RST, stitch front together. Put the skirt on the doll and fold the right front side over to the left side to fit. Pin. Take the skirt off the doll and press the front so that it appears to open down the front. Sew the buttons in place.
- Press the straps in half, open and press edges to center, refold, press and stitch close to edges on both sides. Stitch straps to skirt front, put skirt on doll, cross straps in the back and adjust to fit; stitch straps.
- For the back, cut 2 pieces of flannel and 1 piece of batting 11" x 19".
- Put the batting between the flannel with RS out; pin or baste together.
- For the front, cut 2 pieces of flannel and 1 piece of batting 11" x 12".
- Put the batting between the flannel with RS out; pin or baste together.
- Cut 2 pieces 2 1/2" x WOF for binding; stitch ends together.
- Use 1/2" seam allowance and sew binding to the top edge of the front.
- Fold edge of binding under and fold around to the back side and stitch in place.
- Lay the front piece on top of the back place and pin or baste together.
- Bind together as explained above.
- For the pillow, cut 2 pieces 7" x 11".
- With RST, stitch all around, leaving an opening for turning.
- Clip corners, turn RS out, stuff and slip stitch opening closed.