Back to Black Jeans

by Rit Dye |

Item # 262225213P3
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • Rit Back to Black Kit
  • Jeans
  • Large Plastic Bucket or Sink for Dyeing
  • Measuring Cup and Spoon
  • Salt
  • Dish Soap
  • Plastic Table Cover
  • Paper Towels


  1. Cover work area with plastic table cover and have paper towels handy to protect against any possible spills. Gather supplies.
  2. For best results, prewash jeans in the washing machine before dyeing. This removes any manufacturer's finishes that may interfere with dye absorption. If jeans are washed just before dyeing, leave them wet. If jeans have been worn and are clean, just wet them in warm water.
  3. Wearing rubber gloves, fill sink or a large container with 3 gallons of very hot water. The water should ideally be 140 degrees. If tap water is not hot enough, heat water on the stove and add to the dyebath. Pour 1/2 bottle of well-shaken dye into dye bath.
  4. To enhance the color, add one cup of salt. Add 1 teaspoon of dish detergent to help promote level dyeing.
  5. Stir well.
  6. Test color by dipping a paper towel into the dye bath. If color is too light, add more dye. If color is too dark, add more water.
  7. Immerse wet jeans in dye bath and stir continuously for 20 minutes. Wearing rubber gloves, move jeans back and forth and up and down. This helps to ensure an even color. Tongs are also helpful for lifting. Continue to stir jeans occasionally for 10 minutes or until desired color is achieved (up to one hour). The longer the jeans remain in the dye bath, the darker the color will be. Color will appear lighter when dry.
  8. To help reduce color bleeding and improve color retention, treat jeans with Rit ColorStay Dye Fixative immediately after dyeing and before rinsing. Remove jeans from dye bath and squeeze out excess dye. Fill container with 3 gallons hot water and add 4 Tablespoons (1/4 cup) dye fixative; stir well. Immerse jeans in fixative, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes.
  9. Remove jeans and rinse in cold water until water begins to run clear. Then machine wash jeans with an old towel in warm water with mild detergent, rinse and dry. If desired, iron to remove excess wrinkles.

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