Butterfly Chair Cover

Item # 182110799P31
Intermediate 3-5 Hours


  • 1 1/3 yards Outdoor Fabric
  • 1 1/3 yards Cotton Duck Canvas for back
  • Sewing machine
  • Basic sewing supplies


To print the pattern, click on the "GET PATTERNS" tab.

  1. Options for cutting the front and back fabric panels:
    • The back and seat panels may be constructed as one unit each by folding the fabric at the dotted line on the pattern. The back and seat panels may also be made up of two pieces each with a 1/2" seam allowance, as indicated at the center straight edge of the pattern. Fold or cut the fabric at the appropriate center line.
    • Transfer the seat and back patterns to the wrong side of the front, print fabric. Center the print the same, side to side, on the seat and back. Cut the fabric.
    • Transfer the seat and back pattern to the wrong side of the canvas. Cut the fabric.
    • Trace and cut pocket pieces from both fabrics.

  2. Sew the seat and back panels together:
    • Place the print fabric seat and back panels right sides together.
    • Align the bottom curve of the back with the back curve of the seat. Match the corners and the curve.
    • Sew together with a 1/2" seam allowance.
    • Zigzag stitch along the edge of the hem to prevent fraying.
    • Repeat with the canvas back panels.
    • Fold the seam on the front print fabric toward the back panel. Topstitch.
    • Fold the seam on the canvas toward the seat panel and press. Topstitch.
    • Add the pockets.
    • Match print fabric pockets to the corresponding solid canvas pockets, right sides together.
    • Sew along the straight edge using 1/2" seam allowance.
    • Turn back and press along the seam edge.
    • Topstitch at 1/4" and 1/2" (2 parallel stitch lines) from the edge.
    • Working on the right side of the printed fabric chair, line up the pockets in the four corners. The printed fabric on the pockets should be facedown on the printed fabric chair.
    • Baste around the curved edges of the pockets at 1/4"

  3. Sew the back panel to the chair:
    • Place the 2 panels, right sides together with the basted pockets in between at each corner.
    • Sew around using 1/2" seam allowance, leaving 5"-6" open for turning.
    • Trim the edges to 1/4" except for at the opening.
    • Add a zigzag stitch around the perimeter, except at the opening.
    • Turn the chair cover right side out through the opening.
    • Use a dowel, chopstick, or blunt pencil to help push out the edges of the seam.
    • Fold the opening in to match the seam. Press the edges.
    • Topstitch close to the edge around the perimeter of the chair cover.
    • Add a second topstitch 1/4" in from the first line of topstitch.

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