Floral Bridal Veil

by JOANN |

Item # 262027328P303
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • Shiny white tulle
  • Tulle with embroidered floral detail
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Marker
  • Hair Comb
  • Sewing needle and thread


  1. Begin by using the provided pattern for reference and measure out the shape of the veil on the shiny white tulle. To print the patterns, click on the "Download Project PDF" button (above).
  2. Use the marker to mark the shape on the tulle.
  3. Use scissors to cut out shape and make sure edges are straight.
  4. Use scissors to cut out floral shapes from the tulle with embroidered florals.
  5. Arrange floral shapes on veil and attach using small amounts of hot glue.
  6. Use thread and needle to gather the top edge of the veil until it is the width of the comb.
  7. Glue veil to the top of comb and make sure the raw edge if folded under.
  8. Make sure no glue is showing or is on the teeth of the comb.

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