Gertie by Gretchen Hirsch Simple Knit Top

Item # 3165880P116
Intermediate 3-5 Hours


  • Knit fabric from the Gertie by Gretchen Collection - amount to be determined by measurements
  • Sewing machine
  • Basic sewing supplies
  • Scissors
  • Straight pins
  • 1/2 yd. of interfacing (optional)

NOTE: This top is just two rectangles sewn together, with openings for the neck and armholes. The dimensions will fit an average-size adult woman, but they may be varied for other sizes. The rectangle width should be roughly the wearer's shoulder width. The length can vary, but could be made longer for a dress. Don't forget to add 1/2" all around for seam and hem allowances.


  1. Cut two 18" x 25" rectangles of knit fabric (this includes seam allowances).
  2. With right sides together and using a 1/2" seam allowance, use a zigzag stitch to sew the side seams from the bottom up, ending 8.5" before you get to the top (this leaves openings for the armholes.)
  3. Sew along the upper edge of the rectangle, leaving a 10" opening in the center for the neck hole.
  4. Turn in 1/2" around the neck opening, armholes, and hem and secure with a zigzag stitch. Tip: to make sewing the hems easier, you can fuse ½" strips of fusible knit interfacing inside the seam allowance before hemming. This stabilizes the fabric and makes stitching a breeze.

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