Kids Reversible Plaid/Tree Mask

by JOANN |

Item # 392115075P352
Beginner Under 1 Hour


  • 100% cotton tree fabric
  • 100% cotton plaid fabric
  • 1/4" elastic (approximately 14")
  • Basic sewing supplies


  1. Download the mask pattern by clicking "Download Project PDF" below "Get Patterns".
  2. Add 1/4" to pattern piece at fold line for seam allowance.
  3. Cut one pattern piece from the tree fabric. Cut off 1" from each side of the tree fabric. Cut two pieces of plaid fabric 1 1/2" wide to be used for the sides of the front fabric piece. Sew these to the edge of the tree fabric using 1/4" seam allowance.
  4. Cut one pattern piece from the plaid fabric.
  5. Fold fabric right sides together, matching 9" (8") sides.
  6. Sew along the 9 (8)" side, using 1/4" seam allowance and leaving a space 3" wide in the center to turn mask right side out.
  7. Cut two pieces of elastic 7" long. Insert into the corners of the two open ends of the mask and pin into place making sure it doesn’t twist. Sew across sides, backstitching well over the elastic, to secure the elastic in place.
  8. Turn mask right side out and press seams flat.
  9. Using pattern as a guide, fold up 3 pleats on each side, making sure the pleats are folded in the same direction. Pin into place.
  10. Topstitch around the entire mask, securing the pleats and closing the opening.

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