Knitted Stuffed Pumpkins

by JOANN |

Item # 17017260P71
Intermediate Varies


  • Skein Red Heart Super Saver Frosty Green
  • Skein Red Heart Super Saver Aran Fleck
  • Double pointed needles - Size 7
  • Stitch markers
  • Poly-Fil Fiberfil
  • Yarn needle


Special Stitches:
Ssk (slip, slip, knit) - Slip next two sts knitwise to right needle, Insert point of left needle through front of sts, knit these sts together through back loop.
Kfb (knit into front and back) - Knit next st but do not remove from left needle, knit into back loop of same st and remove from needle.

Cast on 36 stitches, leaving a long tail for seaming up bottom.
Divide sts evenly across double pointed needles, join round and mark first st.
Round 1: Knit
Round 2: *K8, kfb; repeat from * to end of round - 40 sts.
Round 3: Knit
Round 4: *K9, kfb; repeat from * to end of round - 44 sts.
Round 5: Knit
Round 6: *K10, kfb, repeat from* to end of round - 48 sts
Round 7: Knit
Round 8: *K11, kfb, repeat from * to last st, k1 - 55 sts.
Round 9: Knit
Chevron pattern:
Rounds 1, 3 and 5; *K2tog, k2, kfb twice, k3, ssk, repeat from * to end.
Rounds 2, 4 and 6; knit
Round 7: repeat round 1.
Rounds 8-11; Knit.
Repeat Rounds 1-8 only once more.
Round 1; *K16, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1 - 52 sts.
Round 2; Knit.
Round 3; *K11, k2tog, repeat from *to end of round - 48 sts.
Pause here to stuff Pumpkin as follows:
Weave beginning yarn tail through cast on sts and pull tightly to close bottom hole.
Stuff Pumpkin with fiber, and stuffing as you work the final rounds
Round 4; Knit
Round 5; *K10, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round - 44 sts.
Round 6: Knit
Round 7: *K9, k2tog, repeat from *to end of round - 40 sts.
Round 8: Knit
Round 9; *K8, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round - 36 sts.
Cut yarn leaving a 96" tail for shaping.
Weave tail through all remaining sts and pull tightly to close top hole, stuffing extra at the end if needed.
Finishing Shaping: Insert yarn needle through center top of Pumpkin, exiting at center bottom. Repeat this downward motion, making five lines of yarn around outside of pumpkin, and placing them between the k2tog and ssk sts to accentuate the wedges, pull tightly.
Stem: Cast on 4 sts onto a double pointed needle and make an I-cord as follows: *K4, slide all sts to other end of needle, repeat from * until stem measures 2". Tug firmly on the I-cord as you work to straighten the sts.
Bind off loosely, leaving a long tail. Use tail to sew stem to top center of pumpkin.
Weave in all loose ends to inside of pumpkins.

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