Knotted Fleece Pillow

Item # 2779514P3
Intermediate 1-2 Hours
  • 1yd – fleece
  • 1 large package of polyester stuffing
  • Basic sewing supplies
  • Sewing machine

  1. (use 1/2" seams)
  2. Cut three 8" x Width of fabric.
  3. Sew the three strips together at their short ends to make one long strip.
  4. Fold strip in half lengthwise right sides together and sew long side and one short end to form tube. Turn right side out.
  5. Fill with polyester stuffing. Stitch opening closed. Do not over stuff. Put enough stuffing in to form the tube, too much will be hard to work with. Too much stuffing will make it impossible to twist and turn.
  6. Download the pattern, click on the "Download Project PDF" button (above).
  7. Follow the pattern for the knot. The first three illustrations form the base for the knot and then follow along the same path for the second round.
  8. When the end of the second round is reached, you may see that you do not have the length to finish. This is where it is necessary to play with the tube to pull it tight and work through and leave no open spaces. Remember: Step 4 – do not over-stuff.
  9. To complete the pillow, slip stitch the ends to back of pillow.

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