Textured Fleece Blanket

by JOANN |

Item # 17017260P75
Intermediate 3-5 Hours


  • 2 1/2 yds Anti-Pill Plush Fleece
  • Rotary cutter, blade and mat
  • Clear plastic ruler, 36" long
  • Sharp fabric scissors
  • June Tailor fringe cut slotted ruler
  • Water soluble marker
  • Sewing machine
  • Basic sewing supplies


  1. Cut twelve 1 1/2"x 58" strips of fleece. Set aside.
  2. Trim salvage edges off of the remaining piece of fleece. Fold long edges under about 1/2" and stitch to hem.
  3. With the right side of the blanket facing up, fold both unfinished ends up 12". Use the water soluble marker to mark a line 6" up from the fold. Stitch along marked line.
  4. Cut edge open along the fold.
  5. Fold upper flap down so that each short edge of the blanket has a 6" border that is made of three layers of fleece.
  6. Use fringe cut slotted ruler and rotary cutter to fringe the edge of the blanket without cutting through the stitch line. Cut fringe as narrow as possible.
  7. Layer 1 1/2" wide strips into sets of two. Stitch down the center of the strip along length. Fringe stripes on either side of the stitch line without cutting through the stitches.
  8. Pin fringed strips to the top of the blanket, using the photo as a guide for placement. Following the first stitch line, stitch down the center of the strip to attach strips to the blanket. Trim off any overhang and fluff fringe to finish.

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