Yarn Frame Wall Hanging

by JOANN |

Item # 262027328P161
Beginner 3-5 Hours
  • Assorted Big Twist Value Yarn
  • Picture Frame
  • Scissors

  1. Remove glass and back of frame. All you need is the outer perimeter.
  2. Determine how long you want your yarn to be a double that number. Cut a bunch of pieces that length. If you’re unsure of how long you’d like the yarn to be, make it longer than necessary and you can always trim later. It’s good to start with the bottom frame if you’re layering frames.
  3. Take a piece of yarn and fold it in half. Hang the folded end over the frame. Pull the ends of the yarn through the loop created by hanging the yarn over the frame, creating a hitch knot. Repeat across frame. You can mix in different colors as you go if desired.
  4. Repeat along the bottom of the frame if desired. Trim ends.

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