Cable Mix Knit Turtleneck Vest
Item #
- Caron® Simply Soft® Yarn: 6 oz/315 yds
- Kelly Green #39769
- XS/S: 3
- M: 4
- L: 4
- XL: 5
- 2/3XL: 5
- 4/5XL: 6
- Knitting Needles: Sizes U.S. 7 & U.S. 8 (or size needed to obtain gauge)
- Cable Needle
- Stitch Holders
- Stitch Markers
- Yarn Needle
- To Fit Chest Measurement:
- Extra-Small/Small: 28"-34"
- Medium: 36"-38"
- Large: 40"-42"
- Extra-Large: 44"-46"
- 2/3 X-Large: 48"-54"
- 4/5 X-Large: 56"-62"
- Finished Chest:
- Extra-Small/Small: 38"
- Medium: 42"
- Large: 46"
- Extra-Large: 52"
- 2/3 X-Large: 58"
- 4/5 X-Large: 62 1/2"
- GAUGE: 18 sts and 24 rows = 4" with larger needles in stocking st
To find the downloadable patterns click on the "GET PATTERNS" tab.ABBREVIATIONS:
Alt = Alternate
Beg = Beginning
Cont = Continue(ity)
C5B = Slip next 4 stitches onto cable needle and leave at back of work. KB1, then slip 2 purl stitches from cable needle onto left-hand needle and P2. (KB1) twice remaining 2 stitches from cable needle.
C5F = Slip next 3 stitches onto cable needle and leave at front of work. (KB1) twice, then slip 2 purl stitches from cable needle onto left-hand needle and P2. (KB1) remaining stitch from cable needle.
C7B = Slip next 4 stitches onto cable needle and leave at back of work. K3, then (P1. KB1) twice from cable needle.
C7F = Slip next 3 stitches onto cable needle and leave at front of work. (KB1. P1) twice, then K3 from cable needle.
K = Knit
KB1 = Knit into back of next stitch
K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches together
M1 = Make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal loop lying before next stitch and knitting into back of loop.
P = Purl
PB1 = Purl into back of next stitch
P2tog = Purl next 2 stitches together
P2togtbl = Purl next 2 stitches together through back loops
Pat = Pattern
PM = Place marker
Rem = Remain(ing)
Rep = Repeat
RS = Right side
Ssk = Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto left-hand needle, then knit together through back loops.
St(s) = Stitch(es)
T5F = Slip next 2 stitches onto cable needle and leave at front of work. KB1. P2, then (KB1) twice from cable needle.
T5B = Slip next 3 stitches onto cable needle and leave at back of work. (KB1) twice, then slip 2 purl stitches from cable needle onto left hand needle P2. (KB1) remaining stitch from cable needle
T7B = Slip next 4 stitches onto cable needle and leave at back of work. KB1. P1. KB1, then (P1. K3) from cable needle.
T7F = Slip next 3 stitches onto cable needle and leave at front of work. K3. P1, then (KB1. P1. KB1) from cable needle.
WS = Wrong side
The directions are written for smallest size.
If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ).
Numbers for each size are shown in the same color throughout the pattern.
When only one number is given in black, it applies to all sizes.
CABLE PANEL A: (worked over 21 sts)
1st row: (RS). P3. K3. (P1. KB1) 4 times. P1. K3. P3.
2nd row: K3. P3. (K1. PB1) 4 times. K1. P3. K3.
3rd row: As 1st row.
4th row: As 2nd row.
5th row: P3. T7B. P1. T7F. P3.
6th row: K3. (PB1. K1) twice. P3. K1. P3. (K1. PB1) twice. K3.
7th row: P3. (KB1. P1) twice. K3. P1. K3. (P1. KB1) twice. P3.
8th to 15th rows: Rep 6th and 7th rows 4 times.
16th row: As 6th row.
17th row: P3. C7B. P1. C7F. P3.
18th row: As 2nd row.
19th to 24th rows: Rep 1st and 2nd rows 3 times.
These 24 rows form Cable Panel A.
PANEL PAT B: (worked over 5 sts)
1st row: (RS). (KB1) twice. P2. KB1.
2nd row: PB1. K2. (PB1) twice.
3rd row: T5F.
4th row: (PB1) twice. K2. PB1.
5th row: KB1. P2. (KB1) twice.
6th to 9th rows: Rep 4th and 5th rows twice.
10th row: As 4th row.
11th row: C5F.
12th row: As 2nd row.
13th to 16th rows: Rep 1st and 2nd rows twice.
These 16 rows form Panel Pat B.
PANEL PAT C: (worked over 5 sts)
1st row: (RS). KB1. P2. (KB1) twice.
2nd row: (PB1) twice. K2. PB1.
3rd row: T5B.
4th row: PB1. K2. (PB1) twice.
5th row: (KB1) twice. P2. KB1.
6th to 9th rows: Rep 4th and 5th rows twice.
10th row: As 4th row.
11th row: C5B.
12th row: As 2nd row.
13th to 16th rows: Rep 1st and 2nd rows twice.
These 16 rows form Panel Pat C.
**With smaller needles, cast on 91 (97-105-121-133-141) sts.
1st row: (RS). K1. *P1. K1. Rep from * to end of row.
2nd row: P1. *K1. P1. Rep from * to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows of (K1. P1) ribbing for 2", ending on a 1st row.
Next row: (WS). Rib across 3 sts. (M1. Rib across 3 sts) 28 (30-34-38-42-46) times. Rib to end of row. 119 (127-139-159-175-187) sts.
Change to larger needles and proceed in pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). (K1. P1) 1 (3-6-11-15-18) time(s). *P2. Work 1st row Panel Pat B. Work 1st row Panel Pat A. Work 1st row Panel Pat C. P2**. (K1. P1) twice. K1. Rep from * once more, then from * to ** once. (P1. K1) 1 (3-6-11-15-18) time(s).
2nd row: (P1. K1) 1 (3-6-11-15-18) time(s). *K2. Work 2nd row Panel Pat C. Work 2nd row Panel Pat A. Work 2nd row Panel Pat B. K2**. (P1. K1) twice. P1. Rep from * once more, then from * to ** once. (K1. P1) 1 (3-6-11-15-18) time(s).
3rd row: (P1. K1) 1 (3-6-11-15-18) time(s). *P2. Work 3rd row Panel Pat B. Work 3rd row Panel Pat A. Work 3rd row Panel Pat C. P2**. (P1. K1) twice. P1. Rep from * once more, then from * to ** once. (K1. P1) 1 (3-6-11-15-18) time(s).
4th row: (K1. P1) 1 (3-6-11-15-18) time(s). *K2. Work 4th row Panel Pat C. Work 4th row Panel Pat A. Work 4th row Panel Pat B. K2**. (K1. P1) twice. K1. Rep from * once more, then from * to ** once. (P1. K1) 1 (3-6-11-15-18) time(s).
These 4 rows form Irish Moss st pat. Cable Panels A, B and C are now in position.**
Keeping cont of cable panels A, B and C, cont in Irish Moss st pat until work from beg measures 19 1/2" (20 1/2"-21"-21 1/2"-22 1/2"-23 1/2"), ending on a WS row.
Shape left shoulder and neck:
1st row: (RS). Cast off 4 (6-5-6-7-9) sts. Pat across next 38 (38-44-51-57-59) sts (including st rem after cast off). K2tog. Turn. Leave rem sts unworked. 39 (39-45-52-58-60) sts.
2nd row: P2tog. Pat to end of row. 38 (38-44-51-57-59) sts.
3rd row: Cast off 5 (5-5-6-7-8) sts. Pat to last 2 sts. K2tog. 32 (32-38-44-49-50) sts.
4th and alt rows: Work even in pat.
5th row: Cast off 5 (5-6-7-7-8) sts. Pat to last 2 sts. K2tog. 26 (26-31-36-41-41) sts.
7th row: Cast off 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts. Pat to last 2 sts. K2tog. 20 (20-24-28-32-32) sts.
9th row: Cast off 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts. Pat to end of row. 15 (15-18-21-24-24) sts.
11th and 13th rows: As 9th row.
14th row: As 4th row.
Cast off rem 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts.
With RS facing slip next 31 (35-37-41-43-47) sts onto front st holder.
Shape right shoulder and neck: 1st row: (RS). ssk. Pat to end of row. 43 (45-50-58-65-69) sts.
2nd row: Cast off 4 (6-5-6-7-9) sts. Pat to last 2 sts. P2togtbl. 38 (38-44-51-57-59) sts.
3rd row: ssk. Pat to end of row. 37 (37-43-50-56-58) sts.
4th row: Cast off 5 (5-5-6-7-8) sts. Pat to end of row. 32 (32-38-44-49-50) sts.
5th row: ssk. Pat to end of row. 31 (31-37-43-48-49) sts.
6th row: Cast off 5 (5-6-7-7-8) sts. Pat to end of row. 26 (26-31-36-41-41) sts.
7th row: As 5th row. 25 (25-30-35-40-40) sts.
8th row: Cast off 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts. Pat to end of row. 20 (20-24-28-32-32) sts.
9th and alt rows: Work even in pat.
10th row: Cast off 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts. Pat to end of row. 15 (15-18-21-24-24) sts.
12th and 14th rows: As 10th row.
15th row: As 9th row.
Cast off rem 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts.
Work from ** to ** as given for front.
Keeping cont of cable panels A, B and C, cont in Irish moss st pat until work from beg measures same length as Front to beg of shoulder shaping, ending on a WS row.
Shape shoulders:
Cast off 4 (6-5-6-7-9) sts beg next 2 (2-4-4-6-2) rows, then 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts beg following 10 (10-8-8-6-10) rows. 61 (65-71-79-85-89) sts.
Shape shoulders and back neck:
1st row: (RS). Cast off 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts.
Pat across 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts (including st rem from cast off). K2tog. Turn. Leave rem sts on a st holder.
2nd row: P2tog. Pat to end of row.
Cast off rem 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts.
With RS facing slip next 37 (41-43-47-49-53) sts onto back st holder.
Join yarn. ssk. Pat to end of row.
Next row: (WS). Cast off 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts. Pat to last 2 sts. P2togtbl.
Cast off rem 5 (5-6-7-8-8) sts.
Pin all pieces to measurements.
Cover with a damp cloth leaving cloth to dry.
Sew right shoulder seam.
With RS facing, smaller needles, beg at left front shoulder pick up and knit 17 sts down left front neck edge.
K31 (35-37-41-43-47) from front st holder, dec 5 sts evenly across.
Pick up and knit 17 sts up right front neck edge.
Pick up and knit 3 sts down right back neck edge. K37 (41-43-47-49-53) from back st holder, dec 6 sts evenly across.
Pick up and knit 3 sts up left back neck edge. 97 (105-109-117-121-129) sts.
Beg on a 2nd row, work 7" in (K1. P1) ribbing as given for Front, ending on a WS row.
Cast off in rib.
Sew shoulder and turtleneck seam, reversing 3" for turn back.
PM 11" (11 1/2"-12"-12 1/2"-13"-13") down from shoulders at each side of front and back for armholes.
Armbands: With RS facing and smaller needles, pick up and knit 101 (105-111-115-119-119) sts between markers.
Beg on a 2nd row, work 21/2" [6.5 cm] in (K1. P1) ribbing as given for Front.
Cast off loosely in ribbing.
Sew side and armband seams.
Fold armbands in half to WS and sew in position along pick up row.