NOTE: Supplies and directions are for one 18" x 30" Roll up curtain.
- 1 1/8 yds 54" Outdoor Canvas
- 1/4 yd Faux Leather Fabric
- 5/8" Heavy Duty Snaps
- Snap Pliers
- Flat Curtain Rod
- Matching Thread
- Basic Sewing Supplies
NOTE: Supplies and directions are for one 18" x 30" Roll up curtain.
- Cut fabric 31"x 37" (2 times the length plus 1" x the width plus 1").
- Fold in half so that fold is at the top (18 1/2"x 31").
- For rod pocket, measure down from top fold 1 1/4" (or size needed for your rod) and carefully clip in 1/2" on both sides.
- Open fabric and press clipped section to wrong sides of fabric.
- Press under 1/4" and stitch a narrow hem for the rod pocket between the clips.
- With right sides together, stitch curtain together with a 1/2" seam allowance, leaving an opening in the bottom for turning.
- Clip corners and turn right sides out, press.
- Slip stitch opening closed.
- Top stitch 1 1/4" from the top fold along width of curtain for rod pocket.
- Cut 2 pieces 2 1/2" x 10"
- Fold straps in half lengthwise and stitch with a 3/8" seam allowance.
- Finger-press seam open on the center of the strap.
- On one end, stitch a 1/4" seam to finish end.
- Turn strap right sides out and press with the seam flat in the center back of the strap.
- NOTE: follow manufacturer's directions for pressing faux leather fabrics.
- Follow manufacturer's directions and apply snap top to finished end of strap.
- On wrong side of curtain, position strap 4" (or as desired) from the edge about 1" down from rod pocket seam.
- Stitch close to edge then again 1/4" from edge for added strength.
- Follow manufacturer's directions and apply the other side of the snap to the front of the curtain.
- If your curtains are longer than shown, cut strap pieces a little longer than 10", pin to back of finished curtain and determine desired length before sewing in place.