Camper Roll Up Curtains

by JOANN |

Item # 142349139P2
Intermediate 3-5 Hours
  • 1 1/8 yds 54" Outdoor Canvas
  • 1/4 yd Faux Leather Fabric
  • 5/8" Heavy Duty Snaps
  • Snap Pliers
  • Flat Curtain Rod
  • Matching Thread
  • Basic Sewing Supplies

NOTE: Supplies and directions are for one 18" x 30" Roll up curtain.
  1. Cut fabric 31"x 37" (2 times the length plus 1" x the width plus 1").
  2. Fold in half so that fold is at the top (18 1/2"x 31").
  3. For rod pocket, measure down from top fold 1 1/4" (or size needed for your rod) and carefully clip in 1/2" on both sides.
  4. Open fabric and press clipped section to wrong sides of fabric.
  5. Press under 1/4" and stitch a narrow hem for the rod pocket between the clips.
  6. With right sides together, stitch curtain together with a 1/2" seam allowance, leaving an opening in the bottom for turning.
  7. Clip corners and turn right sides out, press.
  8. Slip stitch opening closed.
  9. Top stitch 1 1/4" from the top fold along width of curtain for rod pocket.

  1. Cut 2 pieces 2 1/2" x 10"
  2. Fold straps in half lengthwise and stitch with a 3/8" seam allowance.
  3. Finger-press seam open on the center of the strap.
  4. On one end, stitch a 1/4" seam to finish end.
  5. Turn strap right sides out and press with the seam flat in the center back of the strap.
  6. NOTE: follow manufacturer's directions for pressing faux leather fabrics.

  7. Follow manufacturer's directions and apply snap top to finished end of strap.
  8. On wrong side of curtain, position strap 4" (or as desired) from the edge about 1" down from rod pocket seam.
  9. Stitch close to edge then again 1/4" from edge for added strength.
  10. Follow manufacturer's directions and apply the other side of the snap to the front of the curtain.

  • If your curtains are longer than shown, cut strap pieces a little longer than 10", pin to back of finished curtain and determine desired length before sewing in place.

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