- 4 yd White quilt cotton
- Twelve 1/8 yd Quilt cotton assorted prints
- Basic sewing supplies
- Cotton all-purpose thread (not cotton hand quilting thread)
- Rotary cutter, ruler and mat
- Sewing machine
- Iron and pressing surface
- From the white quilt cotton cut fifty four 10”x10” squares.
- From the printed fabric cut ten 2 5/8”x2 5/8” squares of each print.
- Fold the white squares in half and sew the two short ends of each using a ?” seam allowance. Finger press the seams open.
- Bring the two seams together and pin along the raw edges. Sew across the raw edge with ?” seam allowance leaving a small opening for turning along the seam. Finger press the seams open.
- Turn the sewn squares inside out and press paying close attention to the seam allowances keeping them open for a flatter finish. Press.
- With the seam side up fold the corners of each sewn square to the center with the points touching each other. The folded in corners will cover the seams. Press. Each sewn and pressed square is a block, there will be 54.
- Set up the machine for a straight stitch. To assemble the quilt start with two blocks putting together a corner “flap” of each block along the fold line. Pin and sew together along the fold line. Sew another block to the end of the two-block strip forming a three-block strip. Keep adding on making a six-block strip. Make nine six-block strips.
- Match up the flaps of two six-block strips in the same manner as the single blocks and sew together along the fold. Add another six-block strip to the first two and continue sewing all nine of the six-block strips together forming a six-block by nine-block rectangle, forming the base of the quilt wall hanging.
- Fold the corner flaps back down and press.
- Set up the sewing machine for the three-step zig zag with a stitch width of five and drop the feed teeth. Sew the corners of each block together where they meet by sewing the opposite corners together then turn the quilt 90 degrees and sew the opposite corners of the same block together so the corners are tacked down in the middle of the block. Repeat with all fifty four blocks.
- Set the machine up for the straight stitch with the feed teeth up. Place one print square over a square shape in the quilt covering the seam between two blocks and pin in place. The print is about ?” smaller all around than the square on the quilt. Fold one edge of the square back, covering the edge of the print. Sew along the folded over curved edge, about 1/8th to 1/16th of an inch from the edge. Do this all around the square covering the raw edges of the print. Repeat covering all the seams in the same manner. Arrange the assorted prints for a random spacing across the whole quilt. There will be a few print squares leftover.