Coffee Filter Christmas Tree

by JOANN |

Item # 4221156703P200
Beginner Varies


  • Cereal box (empty & flattened)
  • Coffee Filters
  • Green Markers (various shades)
  • Paintbrush & water
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Gold cardstock (small scrap piece for star)
  • Toothpick
  • Scotch tape


  1. Color on the edges of coffee filters with markers in various shades of green. The coffee filters can be stacked, the color will bleed through when water is added and you will get a few layers from each one.
  2. Once the perimeter is colored in about 1 1/2" from the edge to the middle, paint along the marker with a paintbrush and water. This will cause the marker to bleed.
  3. Set aside to dry and repeat. If you did multiple filters at a time you will need to separate them to dry. You will need about 30-40 filters depending on how full you want your tree.
  4. While the filters are drying, make your cone base.
  5. Using the template provided, trace the flattened cone shape onto your flattened cereal box. To create your own custom-sized tree measure out the length with your ruler and mark a straight line. From the same top point measure mark the same length in the desired angle. (Note: The wider your angle at the point the larger your base circumference will be, you can always start larger and then trim it down when you get the circumference you want. It's better to start larger and then trim down.)
  6. Then connect the ends with an arch.
  7. Cut out your cone piece from the box cardboard using scissors.
  8. Roll into a cone shape and glue along the seam overlapping the edges. Use tape to secure while the glue is drying.
  9. Once the filters are dry, cut them in half. The filters lose their pleated edge when they are saturated, pleat the edge by folding back and forth along the edge and gathering as you go. Trim off the inside tip of the pleated piece to reduce the bulk (this end will usually be white or lighter in color depending on how far your color bled).
  10. Glue the pleated layers to the cone back starting at the bottom and working up. Apply a layer of glue to the cone with a glue stick and gentle press the pleated piece in place. Continue in a line around the base of the cone. Repeat adding the next layer and working up towards the top of the tree. Once the cone is covered set aside to dry and make the star.
  11. Draw a star on the back of your metallic cardstock with a pencil. Place your cardstock face to face with another piece the same size and cut out. This will give you two stars the same size, make sure to face them right sides together so when you flip them to glue together they match in size.
  12. Glue a toothpick into the center of the star and stick into the top of the tree to top it.


  • Pipe cleaner star: bend a pipe cleaner into shape and twist the end around a toothpick to insert into the top of your tree.

  • Starburst topper: Cut toothpicks and glue them to a small cardstock circle. Trim the lengths so they are long and short to create a starburst affect, make the bottom toothpick longer to stick into the tree top. This is best achieved with a glue gun to secure the toothpicks to the small cardstock circle.

  • Experiment with the sizes of your trees, varying the height and circumference to add interest. You can also add button ornaments or other found objects like yarn as trimmings.

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