• 1 Each ANCHOR Stitchable Felt™ Sheets (green & orange)
  • Cotton Embroidery Floss (yellow & orange)
  • Large-eye tapestry needle
  • Scissors
  • Pinking shears
  • Elastic cord - 6"
  • Large button - about 7/8"
  • ANCHOR Stitchable Felt™ Sheets, 9"x 12" sheets with 7 holes/inch (available in 8 colors)


    Diagram 1
  1. Follow the cross-stitch chart using 6 strands of embroidery floss to create daisies on the green felt.

  2. Diagram 2
  3. Cut the long edges of the green felt with pinking scissors to create a decorative edge.
  4. Cut the orange felt slightly wider to leave a border.

  5. Diagram 3
  6. Sew the elastic cord into a loop on one end of the orange felt.

  7. Diagram 4
  8. Layer the green rectangle on top of the orange rectangle. Sew straight stitches with yellow floss through both layers to hold the layers together on each end.

  9. Diagram 5
  10. Sew the large button through both layers of felt on the opposite end from the elastic loop.

  11. Diagram 6
  12. Place finished cozy around glass canning jar and loop the elastic cord around the button to complete.

Stitching on Stitchable Felt

  1. Each crossed stitch is placed over a square of the perforated felt following chart. To print the chart, click on the "Download Project PDF" button (above).
  2. Bring needle out at A, reinsert at B, out at C and in at D. Repeat for as many stitches as needed. To work the cross stitch in the other direction, bring needle out at E and reinsert at B and repeat for all stitches.

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