- Bernat® Softee® Chunky™ (3.5 oz/100 g; 108 yds/99 m)
- Contrast A True Gray (28044) 13 balls or 1351 yds/1244 m
- Contrast B Natural (28008) 3 balls or 267 yds/330 m
- Size U.S. 11 (8 mm) knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge.
Approx 52" [132 cm] square.
10 sts and 20 rows = 4" [10 cm] in garter stitch.
Square = Approx 6½" [16.5 cm] square.
Square 1 (make 56) With MC, cast on 33 sts. 1st row: (RS). K15. Center dec. K15. 31 sts. 2nd row: Knit. 3rd row: K14. Center dec. K14. 29 sts. 4th row: Knit. 5th row: K13. Center dec. K13. 27 sts. 6th row: Knit. 7th row: K12. Center dec. K12. 25 sts. 8th row: Knit. Break A. 9th row: With MC, K11. Center dec. K11. 23 sts. 10th row: Knit. With MC, cont as established dec 2 sts at center of every RS row until 3 sts rem. Next row: (WS). Knit. Next row: Center dec. Fasten off Square 2 (make 8) Stripe Pat With MC, 4 rows. With A, 4 rows. These 8 rows form Stripe Pat.Following Stripe Pat, work as given for Square 1, noting last rep will end on 7th row of Stripe Pat.FINISHING Sew Squares tog following diagram.
Approx = Approximately
Center dec = (Worked over 3 sts) Slip next 2 sts as if to K2tog, K1, then pass slipped sts over knit st – center of 3 sts should be on top of decrease, 2 sts have been decreased.
Cont = Continue
Dec = Decrease(ing)
K = Knit
Pat = Pattern
Rem = Remain
Rep = Repeat
RS = Right side
St(s) = Stitch(es)
Tog = Together
WS = Wrong side