Dip-Dyed Coral Scarf

by Rit Dye |

Item # 09016721P26
Beginner Varies


  • White 100% cotton scarf, 16"x 60"
  • Rit® All-Purpose Liquid Dye: Coral
  • 4 gallon plastic tub or bucket
  • Measuring cup
  • Measuring spoons
  • Plastic or metal stirring spoon
  • Salt
  • Liquid dish detergent
  • Straight pins
  • Latex gloves
  • Paper towels
  • Plastic table cover
  • Mild detergent
  • Spray bottle
  • Rit ColorStay Dye Fixative (recommended)
  • Iron (optional)


  1. Cover table with plastic. Gather supplies.
  2. For best results, pre-wash scarf, dry and iron flat. This will make accordion folding easier.
  3. Fold scarf in half lengthwise, end to end. Then accordion fold scarf, like a fan, horizontally in equal folds about 4" wide. Iron folds as you go. This will create an interesting pattern with sharp fold lines.
  4. Divide folded scarf into thirds and mark each third with a pin to use as a guide when dip-dyeing.
  5. To prepare dyebath: Fill large plastic tub or bucket with 3 gallons very hot water (140F). If water is not hot enough, heat water in a cook pot or teapot. Shake dye bottle before measuring. Wearing rubber gloves, add 1 1/2 tsp Coral dye. Stir well.
  6. Add 1 cup salt to dyebath and a squirt of liquid dish detergent. The salt helps to intensify the color. Stir well.
  7. Test dye color by dipping a paper towel into the dyebath. If color is too light, add more dye; if it is too dark, add more water.
  8. Fold dry scarf in half over your fingers so the long side edges and pins are matched up.
  9. With scarf draped over your fingers, dip outer edges (or sides) of scarf in dyebath up to the pin marks for 3 to 5 minutes, slowly move fabric up and down to be sure the dye penetrates all the layers.
  10. When the desired color is achieved, remove scarf from the dyebath. Wearing latex gloves, carefully squeeze out excess dye. Set scarf aside, being careful not to let dye touch the white areas.
  11. Recommended: To enhance the color and reduce color bleeding, use Rit ColorStay
  12. Dye Fixative immediately after dyeing before washing. Pour fixative into a spray bottle.
  13. Remove pins and open scarf. Drape over a plastic bin or in your sink. Spray scarf over the dyed areas. Let set for 20 minutes.
  14. Rinse scarf with cool water until rinse water begins to run clear. Then wash in warm water with mild detergent. Rinse and hang dry.

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