DIY Cushion Cover

by VELCRO Brand |

Item # 262112220P6
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back for Fabrics Tape
  • Material of your choice
  • Cushion inner
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Ruler
  • Scissors


  1. Start by cutting two large pieces of your chosen material - they need to be around 1 1/2" wider than your cushion inner all the way around.
  2. Next, take a needle and thread (or sewing machine) and sew the two pieces of material together on three sides with small, tight stitches.
  3. Sew 1" into the fourth side at each corner and leave the rest open so you can insert the cushion inner later.
  4. Now turn the cushion cover inside out and take a pack of VELCRO Brand Sticky Back for Fabrics Tape.
  5. Measure two strips of tape that are the same length as your cushion cover. On the open side of the cushion cover, fold each edge over slightly and attach the tape.
  6. Finally, insert the cushion inner and fasten both strips of VELCRO Brand Sticky Back for Fabrics Tape together for a smooth, secure closure.


  • This DIY cushion cover can be made with or without a sewing machine.
  • If you're using a needle and thread, keep your stitches small and tight to avoid big gaps in the seams when you insert the cushion inner.

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