- White 100% cotton T-shirt
- Tulip Tie-Dye Party Kit
- Tulip Dimensional Fabric Paints (desired colors)
- Washable marker
- Poster board or other heavy paper in order to make shape of donut
- Scissors
- Submerge T-shirt in water, wring out water and fold damp T-shirt in half lengthwise.
- Draw two circles on poster board, one big for the desired size of outside of donut, and a smaller one for the center hole and then cut out the circles. Lay half of the large circle along the center fold line of the T-shirt and trace around it using a washable marker.
- Place small circle pattern along center fold of shirt, inside large drawn half circle. Trace around with washable marker to create donut hole.
- Pleat fabric along small half circle first, forming a straight marker line across the tops of pleats. Secure with a rubber band along both marker lines.
- Apply pink dye to section of fabric between rubber bands (the donut) and let set, rinse and launder according to tie-dye packaging instructions.
- Insert another large piece of poster board inside shirt to create a stable painting surface. Use Tulip Dimensional Fabric Paints (with the color of your choosing) to add “sprinkles" onto donut. Allow to dry.