Dyed Bottle Brush Trees

by Rit Dye |

Item # 04016720P23
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • White or off-white bottle brush trees
  • Rit All-Purpose Liquid Dye
  • Plastic container or glass jar (size depends on size of bottle brush tree)
  • Measuring cup
  • Plastic gloves
  • Plastic table cover
  • Paper towels


  1. Cover work area with plastic table cover and have paper towels handy to protect against any possible spills. Gather supplies.
  2. Wear rubber gloves to protect hands.
  3. We used one of two different dye bath sizes to color the bottle brush trees. For small trees, pour 4 cups of hot water into a container. For medium and large trees, pour 3 gallons of hot water into a container.
  4. We used the following color formulas to color the bottle brush trees.
  5. Mint
  6. Small: 1 1/4 tsp Aquamarine, 1 tsp Kelly Green
  7. Medium: 2 1/2 tsp Aquamarine, 2 tsp Kelly Green
  8. Blush Pink
  9. Small: 1/2 tsp Pearl Grey, 1/4 tsp Scarlet
  10. Medium: 1 tsp Pearl Grey, 1/2 tsp Scarlet
  11. Shaded Spruce
  12. Small: 2 tsp Teal, 1 1/2 tsp Dark Green, 1/8 tsp Denim Blue
  13. Medium: 4 tsp Teal, 3 tsp Dark Green, 1/4 tsp Navy Blue
  14. Prism Violet
  15. Small: 1/4 cup Purple, 1/4 cup Evening Blue
  16. Medium: 1/2 cup Purple, 1/2 cup Evening Blue
  17. Bougainvillea:
  18. Small: 1/4 tsp Purple, 1/8 tsp Denim Blue
  19. Medium: 1/2 tsp Purple, 1/4 tsp Denim Blue
  20. Add dye to container. Stir.
  21. Lower tree into dye bath. Leave tree in dye bath for a minimum of 10 seconds, up to 10 minutes. When desired color is achieved, remove from dye bath. Trees will look darker when wet and will dry lighter.
  22. Let tree dry on a paper towel. Tree can be placed on its side to dry.

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