Easter Cookies with Candy

by JOANN |

Item # 09016721P28
Intermediate 1-2 Hours


  • Preferred packaged cookies
  • Various colored Candy Melts®
  • Easter Candy molds
  • Dipping tools
  • Icing bags
  • Royal icing, optional


    Dipped Cookies
  1. Melt Candy Melts following directions on package.
  2. Dip cookies into Candy Melts, cover completely and let excess drip before placing on cooling rack or parchment paper.

    Candy Melt Molds
  1. Melt Candy Melts following directions on package.
  2. Use clean and dry molds, pour candy melt into mold 3/4 from the top.
  3. Tap gently to remove air bubbles.
  4. Once candy has set, remove from mold.
  5. Use royal icing or Candy Melts to attach desired candies to cookies.

JOANN Hacks:

  • Green royal icing works well to attach candy to cookie as well as create the look of grass.

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