Fabric Easter Basket Totes
Item #
- Fabric: 1/2 yd Mid-Weight Woven-Like Quilting Cotton (for exterior)
- Canvas: 1/2 yd (for lining)
- Craft Fuse: 1/2 yd (for interfacing)
- Fabric: 1/2 yd for Each Additional Trimming (ruffle or bunny ears)
- Paper (for tracing)
- Sewing Machine
- Iron & Ironing Surface
- Basic Sewing Supplies
NOTE:Use 3/8" seam allowance unless noted otherwise.
Download and print attached PDF, or use dimensions provided to draft pattern onto a large piece of paper.
Cut (2) basket patterns in the exterior fabric, canvas lining and interfacing.
Cut (2) handles in exterior fabric and interfacing (interfacing will be 1" short in width)
Handle Construction:
- Iron interfacing to the wrong side of each fabric handle piece.
- Make sure to place in the middle so that there is 1/2" open on the ends.
- Fold in the 1/2" open seam allowance of fabric on the long edge and press.
- Fold handles in half lengthwise and press.
- Top stitch close to edge on both sides of handles.
- Set aside until needed.
Basket Construction:
- Iron the interfacing to the wrong side of the canvas lining.
- Line up the (2) pieces of basket fabric with the right sides together.
- Pin.
- Stitch together the side seams and bottom seam.
- Press seams open.
- Fold bottom seam up to meet side seam and stitch across.
- Repeat with the canvas lining/interfacing pieces.
- The only difference is the need to leave 4-5" open along the bottom seam for turning.
- On the canvas lining, pin handles in place 2" to the right and left of each side seam.
- Raw edges will line up and handles will be upside down.
- Stitch handles in place using a 1/4" seam allowance.
- If adding a ruffle or bunny ears to the tote, stop here and see directions below before continuing.
- Keep the lining with the wrong sides facing out.
- Turn the fabric basket so the right sides are facing out.
- Slip the fabric basket into the lining, lining up the side seams and raw edges.
- Pin.
- Stitch together using a 3/8" seam allowance.
- Turn the basket right side out using the opening in the canvas.
- Adjust the fabric and lining and press the top seams flat.
- Top stitch around and close to the top edge of the basket.
- For baskets with a ruffle, topstitching can be done through the ruffle or under the ruffle by lifting it away from the basket before stitching.
- Use a needle and thread to do an invisible stitch down the opening in the lining.
Ruffle Add-On:
- Cut a strip 2 1/2"x 60" out of fabric for the ruffle.
- If fabric width is less than 60", sew 2 strips together to reach 60".
- Fold the strip in half lengthwise with the right side of the fabric out.
- Press.
- Baste stitch (longest stitch on the machine) along the raw edge length.
- Use a 1/4" seam allowance.
- Pull the basted strings of thread to create the ruffle.
- Pull until the ruffle length matches the circumference of the top of the bag.
- Stitch the short end of the ruffle together so the raw edge will face into the bag.
- The ruffle will now be in a loop.
- After stitching handles into place, pin the ruffle loop in between the canvas lining and the fabric, all raw edges lining up.
- Stitch together making sure the baste stitches will be hidden when the bag is turned.
- Use a seam allowance of at least 3/8".
- Continue with the steps above to complete the basket.
Bunny Ear Add-On:
- Print out the attached ear pattern.
- Cut out (4) fabric pieces and (2) interfacing pieces from the pattern.
- Iron on the interfacing to the wrong side of two ear pieces.
- Line up the two sets of ears, right sides of fabric facing each other and stitch around the edge of the ear.
- Use a 1/4" seam allowance or less.
- Leave the bottom of the ears open.
- Clip seam allowance across the point of the ear and along the curves.
- Turn the ears right side out and press flat.
- Top stitch close to the edge around both ears.
- After attaching the handles to the canvas lining, similarly, line up the raw edges of both ears next to the handles on one side of the bag.
- Pin, then stitch in place.
- Use a 1/4" seam allowance.
- Place the fabric bag inside the canvas lining and stitch around the top edge.
- Make sure to use a seam allowance of at least 3/8" to catch the ears and hide the stitches from those and the handles.
- When creating the ruffle, some prefer to stitch (2) basting lines instead of one.
- It is personal preference, but it can make it a little easier for the ruffle to stay in place.