Fabric Wood Tray

by JOANN |

Item # 09016721P29
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • Small unfinished wood tray
  • Fabric to cover the bottom of the tray (not a sheer fabric)
  • Spray adhesive
  • Home Decor Walnut wood stain
  • Medium paintbrush
  • 2 leather handles with screws
  • Sandpaper
  • X-acto® knife
  • Drill & drill bit for holes for the handles
  • Painter's tape


  1. Lightly sand the edges of the wooden tray.
  2. With the paintbrush and Home Decor stain paint two layers on the edges of the tray. Let it dry between layers.
  3. Using the X-acto knife or rotary cutter, cut a piece of fabric to exactly fit inside of the tray.
  4. In a well-ventilated area and with scrap paper laid down on your working surface, use the spray adhesive on the back side of the fabric. Spray a light coat and then in about 10 minutes spray another coat of spray on the backside of the fabric.
  5. Flip the fabric over and insert it in the bottom inside of the tray. Press the fabric firmly on the inside bottom of the tray.
  6. On the top side edges of the tray decide where you would like the leather handles. Use a drill to make the holes for the screws.
  7. Put glue inside the holes and then insert the screws into the holes sandwiching the leather straps to the wood top edge. Press down firmly.

JOANN Hacks:

  • Use painter's tape to mask out the bottom of the tray when you are staining the sides.

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