- 1 Wire chandelier frame, 16"x24"
- 1 Four-way chain
- 5 foam bricks
- Waterproof clear tape
- Wire cutters or floral snips
- 5 Rose Hydrangea picks
- 15 Rose short stems in fall colors
- 15 Peony short stems in fall colors
- 12 Assorted leaf picks
- 10 Heather leaf picks, 10"
- 8 Berry picks
- Cut foam into skinny bricks to fit tightly inside the chandelier frame tray. Be sure to fill the entire tray with foam. Use the waterproof tape to adhere the foam to the tray if necessary.
- Separate all the floral into two piles. One floral pile is to use on top of the chandelier, one pile is to use on the bottom.
- Trim the floral heads from their long stems, leaving only 2" or so of stem attached to the flower. Insert the floral throughout the chandelier.
- Alternate flowers with different colors and types when inserting into the foam. Trim the greenery from the floral stems and insert greenery by the floral.
- Separate the Rose and Hydrangea picks into individual stems and insert throughout the arrangement.
- Insert the Heather leaves and berry picks throughout the arrangement, trimming the stems down before including them in the chandelier.
- Separate the assorted leaves picks and trim stems down to insert all throughout the arrangement. Fill in any gaps or holes with greenery.
JOANN Hacks:
- To get a nice fit when cutting the floral foam, press the brick down on the chandelier frame. This will make a line in the foam and be a guide as to where to cut.