Father's Day Cup Holder

by Polaroid |

Item # 172220740P4
Beginner Under 1 Hour
  • Polaroid Play 3D Pen
  • Polaroid 3D pen filament
  • Paper Cup
  • Sheet of A4 Photo Paper

  1. Take a paper cup and wrap a sheet of photo paper around it to give yourself a base to draw on. Tape the paper in place.
  2. Draw a design of your choice around the cup and color it in using the pen.
  3. Allow the design to dry and once ready you can slot the paper off of the cup.
  4. Then remove your design from the photo paper. You may want to cut the photo paper down the middle to make it easier to remove.
  5. Slot your cup into the cup holder.

  • You can draw a design in pencil first and then trace it with your 3D pen.

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