Floral Impasto Painting

by Liquitex |

Item # 092347285P2
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic, Titanium White
  • Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic, Alizarin Crimson Hue Permanent
  • Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic, Indian Yellow
  • Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic, Sap Green Permanent
  • Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic, Ultramarine Blue
  • 8"x 10" Canvas (pre-primed)
  • Liquitex Professional Gloss Gel Acrylic Medium
  • Size 2 Liquitex Freestyle Small Painting Knife
  • Palette Paper
  • Paper towels
  • Paper or Plastic (to protect work surface)


NOTE: Protect work surface with plastic or paper and assemble supplies and tools.
    • Working directly on the canvas, add 2 tbsp of Titanium White, a pea sized amount of Sap Green and a pea sized amount of Ultramarine Blue.
    • Using the palette knife, mix and spread the paint over the entire canvas.
    • Add a few pea-sized dots of Titanium White to the top and partially mix into the background to create lighter patches.
    • Repeat the process with Sap Green at the bottom of the canvas to create darker patches.
    • When switching to a new color, wipe off excess paint on a paper towel or rag.
    • Additional white and/or green can be added to the background to achieve desired effect.

    • To the palette paper, add 1 Tbsp. of each: Alizarin Crimson, Indian Yellow, Sap Green & Ultramarine Blue.
    • Add 1 Tbsp. of the Gloss Gel to each color on your palette and mix thoroughly.

    • Scoop a some of the green mixture onto the palette knife.
    • Press the paint on to the canvas and drag down with pressure to create leaves.
    • To create a variety of shapes, experiment with different angles, amounts of pressure & quantity of paint. Repeat until there are about 10 leaves.
    • Create a lighter green by adding half of the yellow to half of the green and mix. Use this to add some lighter leaves to the painting.
    • To mix a darker green, add half of the Ultramarine Blue to the remaining green, mix, and add to the painting.
    • Repeat until desired number of leaves have been made. Mix up more paint if necessary.

    • Add a small amount of Titanium White to the Alizarin Crimson and mix to create a light pink.
    • Use the palette knife to create 4 petals in the shape of a flower, repeat until there are about 5 flowers.
    • Add more Alizarin Crimson to the pink mix for a darker pink and create more flowers.
    • Add a pea sized amount of Indian Yellow to the remaining pink for a peachy color.
    • Continue adding flowers of various tones of pink until the desired number of flowers has been achieved. Mix up more paint if necessary.
    • Using a small amount of Indian Yellow on the tip of your palette knife, carefully add it to the center of each flower.

    • Step back and review the painting, adding more paint where necessary to achieve desired color and textures.
    • Optional: Mix a light green by adding some Titanium White to Sap Green and add a few lighter leaves on top.
    • Place your painting in a safe spot and allow two-three days to dry completely.

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