Glitter Quilt

by JOANN |

Item # 04016720P15
Advanced Varies


  • 1/2 yd of Fabric A
  • 1/2 yd of Fabric B
  • 1/2 yd of Fabric C
  • 1/2 yd of Fabric D
  • 1/2 yd of Fabric E
  • 1/8 yd of Fabric F
  • 1/4 yd of Fabric G
  • 3/8 yd of Fabric H
  • 3/8 yd of Fabric I
  • 3/4 yd of Fabric J
  • 3 yds for backing
  • 54"x 54" piece of batting
  • 60 degree triangle ruler
  • Rotary cutter, ruler & mat
  • Basic sewing supplies
  • Iron & pressing surface
  • Sewing machine


  1. Finished quilt will measure 50"x 50". Sew with accurate 1/4" seams throughout.
  2. From fabric A cut four 2 1/2"x 20 “ strips. Cut two 4 1/2"x 36" strips.
  3. From fabric B cut one 9 1/4" square. Cut once diagonally. Cut two 6 1/2"x WOF strips. Set these aside for large triangle strips.
  4. From fabric C cut one 9 1/4" square. Cut once diagonally. Cut three 4 1/2"x WOF strips. Join and cut two 49" strips.
  5. From fabric D cut two 3 1/2"x WOF strips. Set aside for small triangle strips. Cut three 2 1/2"x WOF strips. Join and cut two 54" strips.
  6. From fabric E cut two 1 1/2"x WOF strips. From these cut two 38" strips.
  7. From fabric F cut two 6 1/2"x WOF strips. Set aside for large triangle strip. Cut two 2 1/2"x WOF strips.
  8. From fabric G cut two 2 1/2"x WOF strips. From these cut two 26" strips.
  9. From fabric H cut two 1 1/2"x WOF strips. From these cut two 24" strips.
  10. From fabric I cut three 4 1/2"x WOF strips. Join and cut two 49" strips. Cut two 3 1/2" strips. Set aside for small triangle strip.
  11. From fabric J cut two 1 1/2"x 38" strips. Cut three 2 1/2"x WOF strips. Join and cut two 54" strips. Cut five strips 2 1/2"x WOF for binding.
  12. To make small triangle strip, cut nine 3 1/2" high 60 degree triangles from the saved strips of fabric D. Cut seven 3 1/2" high triangles from strips saved in fabric I. Sew triangles together following the diagram for placement. Sew a strip on ends of each grouping so finished group measures 28" long.
  13. To make large triangle strip, cut seven 6 1/2" high 60 degree triangles from the saved strips of fabric F. Cut five 6 1/2" high triangles from strips saved in fabric B. Sew triangles together following diagram for placement. To print the diagram, click on the "Download Project PDF" button (above). Sew a strip on ends of each grouping so finished group measures 37" long.
  14. Starting at triangle, add strips in order following diagram.
  15. Be sure to center each piece as you sew together. Trim after sewing to 45 degrees using the starting triangle as a guide.
  16. Repeat with each strip.
  17. When finished press panels so sides 1 and 3 have seams pressed up and sides 2 and 4 have seams pressed down for easier nesting.
  18. Sew panels 1 and 2 together matching seams where possible. Sew panels 3 and 4 together matching seams where possible. Press seams open.
  19. Sew two completed panels together. Press seam open.
  20. Sandwich the backing, batting and top together and quilt as desired.
  21. Trim and sew on binding.

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