- Favorite cupcake and chocolate and vanilla frosting recipe
- Wilton Halloween cupcake liners
- Wilton Halloween candy molds
- Wilton Bright White Candy Melts
- Wilton green and lemon yellow food coloring
- Wilton grass icing tip
- Place & Time Halloween sprinkles
- Wilton Halloween Candy eyes
- Bake cupcakes using favorite recipe and allow to completely cool.
- Mix Wilton Lemon Yellow and Green gel food coloring together to make a vibrant green frosting. Frost cupcakes with green or chocolate frosting. Use the Wilton Grass Tip to make grass on top of cupcakes.
- Melt Bright White candy into various Halloween molds. Allow candy to completely harden before removing from mold.
- Decorate cupcakes with tombstones, skulls and bones.
- Place eyeballs on top of cupcake and make strips of white frosting around eyes to make a Mummy cupcake.
- Favorite cake and vanilla and chocolate frosting recipe
- Wilton Jack-O-Lantern cake pan
- Wilton gel food coloring in orange and green
- Orange, green and black candies
- Baking pan spray
- Spray cake pan and bake cake following recipe. Allow cake to completely cool. Color a little frosting green and the rest orange. Frost the stem green and the rest of the cake with orange. Fill the eyes, nose and mouth with chocolate frosting.
- Decorate the top of cake with candies in coordinating colors to the frosting.
- Favorite cupcake and vanilla frosting recipe
- Wilton Halloween candy molds
- Wilton Bright White Candy Melts
- Wilton green and lemon yellow food coloring
- Place & Time Halloween sprinkles
- Bake cake in cauldron, fill 3/4 of the way full and bake a little longer than a traditional cupcake time.
- Mix Wilton Lemon Yellow and Green gel food coloring together to make a vibrant green frosting. Frost cake with green frosting to create a witches' brew.
- Melt Bright White candy into Halloween mold to make bones. Allow candy to completely harden before removing from mold.
- Decorate with bones and sprinkles.