Halloween Food Crafting

by JOANN |

Item # 262225213P6
Beginner Varies



  • Favorite cupcake and chocolate and vanilla frosting recipe
  • Wilton Halloween cupcake liners
  • Wilton Halloween candy molds
  • Wilton Bright White Candy Melts
  • Wilton green and lemon yellow food coloring
  • Wilton grass icing tip
  • Place & Time Halloween sprinkles
  • Wilton Halloween Candy eyes


  1. Bake cupcakes using favorite recipe and allow to completely cool.
  2. Mix Wilton Lemon Yellow and Green gel food coloring together to make a vibrant green frosting. Frost cupcakes with green or chocolate frosting. Use the Wilton Grass Tip to make grass on top of cupcakes.
  3. Melt Bright White candy into various Halloween molds. Allow candy to completely harden before removing from mold.
  4. Decorate cupcakes with tombstones, skulls and bones.
  5. Place eyeballs on top of cupcake and make strips of white frosting around eyes to make a Mummy cupcake.



  • Favorite cake and vanilla and chocolate frosting recipe
  • Wilton Jack-O-Lantern cake pan
  • Wilton gel food coloring in orange and green
  • Orange, green and black candies
  • Baking pan spray


  1. Spray cake pan and bake cake following recipe. Allow cake to completely cool. Color a little frosting green and the rest orange. Frost the stem green and the rest of the cake with orange. Fill the eyes, nose and mouth with chocolate frosting.
  2. Decorate the top of cake with candies in coordinating colors to the frosting.



  • Favorite cupcake and vanilla frosting recipe
  • Wilton Halloween candy molds
  • Wilton Bright White Candy Melts
  • Wilton green and lemon yellow food coloring
  • Place & Time Halloween sprinkles


  1. Bake cake in cauldron, fill 3/4 of the way full and bake a little longer than a traditional cupcake time.
  2. Mix Wilton Lemon Yellow and Green gel food coloring together to make a vibrant green frosting. Frost cake with green frosting to create a witches' brew.
  3. Melt Bright White candy into Halloween mold to make bones. Allow candy to completely harden before removing from mold.
  4. Decorate with bones and sprinkles.

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