Handmade Layered Cards

by JOANN |

Item # 142349139P6
Beginner Varies
  • Various Cardstock
  • Metal Ruler
  • Cutting Mat
  • Pencil
  • Glue Stick
  • X-Acto® Knife
  • Paint Marker, Black
  • Pain Marker, White
  • Calligraphy Markers


  1. Decide the size card you want to make and cut your Cardstock to size using a straight edge and blade. For folded cards you want to double the width so it can be folded in half. If you are making a flat card that does not fold you will not need to do this.
  2. Figure out the layout of your card and where you want the quote to be along with the layers of card stock.
  3. Mark out your quote on the desired Cardstock with pencil, trace with calligraphy pens or paint markers.
  4. Cut out the quote along with other interesting paper shapes and layers and glue them to your card base with a glue stick.
  5. Allow to dry.

  1. To make a custom envelope for your card's dimensions, measure the card from point to point along the diagonal, then add an inch. If your card is bulky you may need to add a little onto that.
  2. Use the measurement to cut a square that dimension. (Ex: If the card measures 5" along the diagonal add 1 inch to get 6" and then cut a square out of your paper 6" by 6").
  3. Place the square you just cut out on your work surface with the side you want to be the outside of your envelope face down. Turn the paper so that it is orientated in a diamond shape with points at the top and bottom and each side.
  4. Place the card in the center of the diamond. Fold the bottom point up and crease the flap up over the card leaving 1/8" gap between the card and the crease. Then fold it back out.
  5. Repeat around the card to all 4 points folding them in on the card and creasing them 1/8" away from the edge of the card. This 1/8" gap all the way around will give you some space to slide the card in and out. If your card is bulkier you will need to add a bit more to this to account for the added bulk.
  6. Once all the corners are creased trim away the corners where they overlay. Round the edge to create a better fold. Aldo round the points on the top and bottom flaps. See the diagram attached.
  7. Fold the sides points in and add a line of glue along the bottom edge. Fold up the bottom point and allow to dry.
  8. Place the card inside and fold down the top flap.

  • Practice laying out your quotes onto scrap paper with pencil before copying them to your card.

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