Hanging Black Fall Planter

by JOANN |

Item # 17017260P27
Beginner 3-5 Hours


  • 1 Black metal hanging orb planter
  • Floral foam approximately 6 bricks
  • Waterproof clear tape
  • 3 Ranunculus berries pick
  • 3 BRY Hanging bush burgundy
  • 3 Eucalyptus leaves hanging bush
  • 4 Succulent picks
  • 3 Eucalyptus plastic picks
  • 1 leaves hanging bush orange with berries
  • 2 leaves hanging bush yellow with berries


  1. Fill foam in black container, being sure to have a flat surface of foam at the top of the container. Secure the foam to the planter using the clear waterproof tape.
  2. Find the center or front of the planter.
  3. Insert the long BRY Hanging bush first. Place all three stems toward the center and let the leaves hang naturally down the planter.
  4. Include the Eucalyptus leaves next and let hang to fill in around the BRY hanging bush stems.
  5. Add the succulents to the planter. Place them near each other in a cluster type form.
  6. Separate the Ranunculus picks and insert the items individually throughout the arrangement.
  7. Add the Eucalyptus picks and fill in around the succulents. If they are too full or too thick, separate the stems and add them in smaller clusters.
  8. Separate and add small clusters of the orange and yellow leaves with berries. Fill in any bare spots with these leaves and berries.
  9. Carefully place the cage like part on top of the arrangement and screw it into place to make this a hanging basket. Be sure to pull any greenery through the cage to let it hang over.

JOANN Hacks:

  • If the succulent stems are not tall enough, add extra length by taping a used or cut stem to it.

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