Denim Jacket Embroidery

by JOANN |

Item # 352041920P79
Intermediate Varies


  • Denim jacket
  • Embroidery thread
  • Embroidery needle
  • Water soluble marker or chalk


  1. Determine where the embroidery will be placed on the denim jacket.
  2. Use the water soluble marker or a sharpened piece of chalk to write out desired word or phrase.
  3. Cut a length of embroidery thread and knot one end.
  4. Embroider along the word or phrase using a split stitch.
  5. When the embroidery is finished tuck in ends and tie off.

Craft Hack Tips and Tricks:

  • Draw or write out desired pattern or phrase in a removable ink or chalk before beginning the embroider to ensure correct placement.

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