Donut Tie-Dye Shirt

by Tulip |

Item # 13016900P66
Beginner Under 1 Hour


  • White 100% cotton T-shirt
  • Tulip Tie-Dye Party Kit
  • Tulip Dimensional Fabric Paints (desired colors)
  • Washable marker
  • Poster board or other heavy paper in order to make shape of donut
  • Scissors


  1. Submerge T-shirt in water, wring out water and fold damp T-shirt in half lengthwise.
  2. Draw two circles on poster board, one big for the desired size of outside of donut, and a smaller one for the center hole and then cut out the circles.  Lay half of the large circle along the center fold line of the T-shirt and trace around it using a washable marker.
  3. Place small circle pattern along center fold of shirt, inside large drawn half circle. Trace around with washable marker to create donut hole.
  4. Pleat fabric along small half circle first, forming a straight marker line across the tops of pleats. Secure with a rubber band along both marker lines.
  5. Apply pink dye to section of fabric between rubber bands (the donut) and let set, rinse and launder according to tie-dye packaging instructions. 
  6. Insert another large piece of poster board inside shirt to create a stable painting surface.  Use Tulip Dimensional Fabric Paints (with the color of your choosing) to add “sprinkles" onto donut. Allow to dry.

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