Holiday Floral Crown

by JOANN |

Item # 262027328P211
Beginner 3-5 Hours


  • 20 gauge Gold Wire
  • Various Floral Stems
  • Ribbon
  • Pliers
  • Wire Cutters


  1. Wrap the wire around your head where you want the crown to sit. Mark the length and cut it 4" longer using wire cutters.
  2. Cut three pieces of wire that same length and twist them together using pliers. This will stiffen the wire and make a stronger base for your crown.
  3. Bend the wire into a circle to make the crown shape. Place on your head to check the sizing. At each end, bend up a few inches of wire to create a loop and secure by wrapping the ends around the crown. Do this to both ends. Trim off any excess. You will want the crown to be slightly smaller than your head so the ends don't touch, it will later be secured together with a ribbon.
  4. Add floral stems, leaves and other holiday pieces throughout the crown by securing them to the crown with wire.
  5. Thread the ribbon through both loops at the end of the crown leaving long enough tails on each side to tie a bow.
  6. Place on your head and tie a bow to secure in place.

Craft Hack Tips and Tricks:

  • Tuck any loose or hanging leaves under another layer to help shape the crown.

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