Rainbow Tassel Wall Hanging

by JOANN |

Item # 262027328P152
Beginner 3-5 Hours


  • Rainbow Yarn
  • Dowel Rod
  • Paintbrush
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Index Card or Piece of Cardboard


  1. Paint the dowel rod. Let it dry.
  2. To make a tassel, begin wrapping yarn around an index card or piece of cardboard. Continue wrapping until you have desired amount. End with yarn at the bottom, then cut. Thread a small piece of yarn through the top and loosely tie it. Slide scissors through the bottom and cut through the yarn. Fold out yarn and center the loose tie. Once centered, tie tighter and in a knot. Fold yarn in half and tie tightly with twine or same yarn. Trim up bottom of tassel to even out. Tie to a string hanging from the loop.
  3. Contine making tassels of various lengths.
  4. Tie them to the dowel rod with varying lengths of yarn.

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