Acrylic Rainbow Necklace

by JOANN |

Item # 352041920P94
Intermediate 1-2 Hours
  • Proofgrade Medium Clear Acrylic Sheet
  • Proofgrade Thick White Acrylic Sheet
  • Gorilla 15G Super Glue
  • Sead Beads in various colors
  • Bead scoop
  • Satin Cord
  • Glowforge Printer
  • Computer
  • Template

  1. To download the patterns, click on the "Download Project PDF" button (above).
  2. Upload template to
  3. Cut 2 half circle shapes out of the medium clear acrylic sheet.
  4. Cut rainbow shape with loops out of the thick white acrylic sheet.
  5. Remove protective paper from all sides.
  6. Use super glue to adhere 1 half circle to one side of the rainbow shape. Allow to dry.
  7. Once dry, use bead scoop or small piece of paper to funnel seed beads into compartments. Carefully and gently tap the piece to allow beads to settle. Add more beads as needed to fill gaps. You want compartments to be full but not above the white acrylic.
  8. Once rainbow is filled with beads, use super glue to cover compartments with the 2nd half circle. Allow to dry completely.
  9. Cut satin cord to desired length and tie with a double knot through the loops. Trim ends close and heat seal ends to prevent fraying.

Craft Hack Tips and Tricks:
  • Use Gorilla Glue Duct Tape to easily remove protective tape from proofgrade materials. Use caution on small or delicate pieces.
  • Use painters or masking tape to cover other rainbow compartments when trying to fill with beads.

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