Book Reading Nook Cushions

by JOANN |

Item # 22017376P120
Advanced 3-5 Hours


  • 24"x 36"x 4" foam
  • 1 1/2yds white fleece
  • 2 1/2yds color of choice for book cover
  • 1/3yd coordinating fleece for book binding
  • 2yds heavy weight batting
  • 2yds 2" wide Velcro®
  • 1yd of 1" webbing
  • 1" D-rings, 4
  • Stencils & paints for decorating
  • Basic sewing supplies


  1. Cut two 25"x 37" pieces from white fleece for top and bottom of book.
  2. Cut two 5"x 25" and two 5"x 37" pieces from white fleece for sides of book.
  3. Cut four 28"x 40" pieces from fleece for book cover
  4. Cut two 5"x 40" pieces for book binding.
  5. With right sides together stitch the 5" sections together.
  6. Sew sides around top of book.
  7. Sew 36" Velcro to back strip.
  8. Sew bottom to top leaving the back open to insert foam.
  9. Insert foam and stitch opening closed.
  10. Make two book covers. Sew a book cover to both sides of binding.
  11. On one cover sew the remaining side. Velcro to the binding.
  12. Layer back, batting and front and sew. Leave an opening for turning.
  13. Turn and top stitch 1" from sides.
  14. Top stitch 1/4" from side of binding.
  15. Cut four strips of webbing 5" long
  16. Mark 8" from center edge of book cover, front and back.
  17. Insert one strip into D-ring and fold under, sew close to d ring.
  18. Fold one end of strip under 1/4" twice and stitch.
  19. Stitch to book edge at marking.
  20. Make the remaining strap and sew to 2nd marking.
  21. Decorate as desired.
  22. Attach the book cover to book at Velcro.
  23. Close book with the straps and D-ring.

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