Half Square Triangle Pillow

by JOANN |

Item # 52916631P54
Beginner Varies


  • 16" pillow form
  • 1/2 yd ea two coordinating fabrics for front of pillow
  • 1/2 yd fabric for backing of pillow (layering for quilting)
  • 1/2 yd batting.
  • Basic sewing supplies


  1. Cut one 18"x 18" square from each fabric for front and two 17"x 12" piece for back (2 of one fabric or one of each).
  2. Press under one 17" side of each pillow back and stitch (set aside for later).
  3. With WST, place the two 18" fabrics together.
  4. Draw a diagonal line on back of lightest fabric from corner to corner.
  5. Sew a 1/4" seam on each side of drawn line.
  6. Cut along line.
  7. Press the two squares. Trim to 17" square.
  8. One square for front and one can be used later for another pillow or it can be used for back.
  9. Layer top, batting and backing fabric. Quilt as desired.
  10. With right sides together, overlap the 2 back pieces and sew to front using 1/2" seam.
  11. Clip corners and turn right side out. Insert pillow form.

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