Ice-Dyed T-Shirt

by Rit Dye |

Item # 13016900P53
Beginner Under 1 Hour


  • White cotton T-shirt
  • Rit® All-Purpose Powder Dye: navy blue
  • Ice (enough to completely cover your fabric)
  • Plastic tub
  • Cooling rack to fit over tub
  • Small plastic spoon
  • Rubber gloves
  • Mild detergent
  • Plastic table cover
  • Rit® ColorStay Dye Fixative (recommended)


    Tip: This technique must be done with Rit powder dye, not the liquid form.
  1. Cover table with plastic and gather supplies.
  2. Pre-wash T-shirt with fabric detergent, rinse and leave wet.
  3. Completely crumple wet T-shirt into a small, flat ball.
  4. Place crumpled T-shirt on top of cooling rack, over the plastic tub (to catch dripping dye).
  5. Cover T-shirt completely with ice. The different sizes of the ice will yield different patterns.
  6. Wearing rubber gloves, open dye package. Use spoon to sprinkle dye on the ice. More powder will yield darker results. For more white space, sprinkle dye on as you might sprinkle salt on food. Use very little dye.
  7. Let the ice melt completely through the fabric overnight.
  8. Once melted, we strongly recommend transferring the dyed T-shirt to a container with ColorStay Fixative. It enhances the color, increases color retention and prevents dye from bleeding into the white areas. Follow instructions on the package.
  9. Rinse T-shirt in cool water until rinse water begins to run clear.
  10. Wash in warm water with mild detergent, rinse and dry.

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