Macramé Pumpkins

by JOANN |

Item # 17017260P66
Intermediate Varies


  • Macramé cord
  • Scissors
  • Comb (optional)
  • Pumpkins


  1. Begin by cutting two pieces of macramé cord about 40" in length.
  2. Tie knots at each end about 6"-10" from the ends.
  3. Cut at least thirty-six pieces of macramé cord about 24" in length.
  4. Create a reverse lark's head knot by folding each 24" piece of cord in half and attach to the 40" piece of macramé cord.
  5. Repeat step 4 for each of the thirty-six pieces of cord.
  6. Starting with the farthest cord on the left, create a vertical half hitch knot by wrapping the cord on the left (knotting cord) all the way around the knot-bearing cord, creating a loop by bringing it under the knotting cord and back over itself. Repeat 4 times across.
  7. Skip across four cords and repeat process but create knots that go diagonally in the left direction.
  8. Repeat steps 6-7 across the cord and continue process down the cord, alternating directions to create a unique pattern. Alternate the pattern by adding two rows of the design or alternating directions of the design.
  9. Trim excess cord at the bottom so there is about 1" of excess cord; using fingertips or a comb, rough up the ends of the cord to create a fringe.
  10. Wrap macramé around pumpkin and tie ends to secure in place.

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