- Natural basket
- 6 floral foam bricks
- 20" white Peony bush
- 20" purple Peony bush
- Pink floral bush
- 2 cornflower bushes
- 1/2" cornflower picks, 4
- Eucalyptus stem, green
- Heather stem, pink
- 16" Baby's Breath Eucalyptus bush
- Wire cutters
- Waterproof floral tape
- Insert foam to fit tightly in the basket. Tape down the foam to the basket, if necessary, using waterproof floral tape.
- Begin by snipping the white peonies from the main stem. Insert them into the foam in desired locations. Be sure to add all the greens to fill in around the white peonies.
- Remove the cornflower stems from their main bush, leaving the stems as long as possible. Insert the cornflowers in clusters all together in the same general location in the arrangement.
- Remove the purple Peonies from the bush and insert them into the arrangement.
- Cut the pink flowers from the main bunch, keeping the individual stems long. Randomly insert the pink flowers throughout the basket arrangement.
- Separate the cornflower pick by removing the green tape. Insert the individual pieces of floral from the pick.
- Separate and cut the Eucalyptus into small clusters. Insert those all around the purple cornflowers.
- Separate the pink Heather and the baby's breath Eucalyptus bush into small clusters and insert into the arrangement.
- Add white baby's breath around two opposite white peonies.
- Fill in and cover the foam in the arrangement with Eucalyptus greens and any unused greens.