Outdoor Comfy Cushions

by JOANN |

Item # 142350535P11
Intermediate Varies


  • Outdoor Fabric (Measure length and width of original pillow/cushion and add 2" to all sides)
  • Nufoam, 1 Piece per Cushion (Measure length and width or original cushion/pillow to determine size)
  • 3 pkgs Hi Loft Batting, Queen or King (2)
  • Large outdoor Pillows, 1 per Cushion (exactly or close to the size of cushions)
  • Basic Sewing Supplies
  • Sewing Machine


NOTE: This is a project to increase the size of your cushions and pillow backs. The cushions are wrapped and made fluffy by adding the nufoam plus pillows and batting.
Sew using 1/2" seam allowance.
  1. Cut 2 squares for each cushion, add 2" to the length and width measurements. For example: for 32" cushions, cut 34" squares to allow for the extra stuffing.
  2. With right sides together, stitch back to front on three sides. Leaving fourth side open for turning and stuffing. Turn right sides out.
  3. After sewing the 3 cushions and back pillows, start to construct the finished pieces.
  4. Insert the original cushion, place the nufoam under this for the back side that will be on base seat.
  5. Wrap the pillow insert with the batting to make puffy and put on top of original cushion.
  6. Layer more batting if needed.
  7. When you have made each cushion and pillow the thickness you want, sew opening closed.

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