Painted Floral Resin Tumbler

by JOANN |

Item # 042217995P305
Intermediate Over 5 Hours
  • Plain tumbler
  • Multi-surface/enamel paint (to match photo use the colors below or use colors of your choosing), white, dark teal, light teal, gray
  • Various sizes of round brushes for detail and filling in color
  • Spray sealer
  • Pencil
  • We R’ Spinner Tumbler Turner
  • Box of We R’ epoxy kit
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Paper towels
  • Medium disposable mixing cup
  • Small mixing cups, 2
  • Wooden stirring stick or metal stick (preferred)
  • Medium paintbrush
  • Timer
  • Roll of electrical tape
  • Scissors
  • Heat Gun
  • X-Acto® knife
  • Sandpaper, various grits
  • Plastic gloves

  1. Using a pencil lightly draw lines to figure out where the flowers will be positioned onto your tumbler. You do not need to draw out the entire petal, just draw a faint line showing the center of each petal to get the overall layout. Change the view of the flowers by making some straight on and some side views, also play with petal positioning. If you feel comfortable free-handing the leaves and stems, do so. If not, you can pencil in the stems, leaves and other decorative items. Just remember to draw lightly and to not make them too large so that the paint will cover all the pencil marks.
  2. To start painting in your design, you will want to start with the elements that are the farthest away and work forward to the foreground. For the inspiration design start with the silver fern designs and paint them in around the tumbler. You can set aside to dry or you can work on another layer making sure to not smudge or smear your previous painted-on designs.
  3. Next, paint in the light teal leaves and stems throughout the design and let dry.
  4. Once the lighter teal is dry, use a detail brush to add in veins, outlines and dots to the stems and leaves with a darker teal color. Let dry.
  5. Paint in the flowers with white paint around the entire tumbler adding additional coats as needed and set aside to dry.
  6. Add the center to the flowers and any other details you want to the design. Add any additional coats and clean up and of the edges then set aside for a final dry. Let dry for 48 hours to cure.
  7. Follow the instructions on the epoxy kit to mix the resin.
  8. While mixing the resin, set aside two small cups to mix the color for the resin.
  9. Place the tumbler onto the We R’ turner.
  10. Make sure the tumbler is level before starting the rotation.
  11. Apply the clear resin onto the tumbler.
  12. Use the heat gun to remove any air bubbles.
  13. Let the tumbler spin for at least 4 hours.
  14. You may need to put on multiple coats.
  15. Sand between coats.
  16. For final coat, put on a thin coat and press it as you are wiping it onto the tumbler.

  • To help prevent smudging while working, place your hand inside the cup to hold it up while painting. This way you will not smudge the back with your hand when working around the cup.
  • Hand wash the tumbler to prevent damage to the design.

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