Quilted Pocket Tote

by JOANN |

Item # 22017376P20
Intermediate Varies


  • Set of 5"x 5" quilt squares
  • 6"x 6" piece of muslin
  • Tote
  • Skein embroidery floss
  • Sewing machine
  • Iron
  • Ruler
  • Basic sewing supplies


    Seam allowance: 1/4"
  1. Cut sixteen 2"x 2" squares. Matching RST in sets of two, sew two lines diagonally across each set of squares 1/8" apart. Cut between stitching lines and press seams to one side.
  2. Sew together four sets of squares RST horizontally and press seams to one side. Repeat for remaining squares.
  3. Sew each set together, matching long sides, RST. Press seams to one side.
  4. Place muslin on top of quilted square, RST. Sew around entire piece, leaving small hole for turning.
  5. Clip corners, turn piece RS out and press well. Place pocket on front of tote and topstitch around three sides, being sure to secure the top corners well.
  6. With embroidery floss, hand stitch with a simple running stitch around top edge of tote and on each side of straps.

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