- Crayola crayons
- Crayola scissors
- Parchment paper
- Dowel
- String
- Tape
- Hair dryer
- Unwrap the crayons you want to use to make your raindrops.
- Sharpen the crayons into small shavings using a pencil sharpener.
- Mix the different-colored shavings by sprinkling them onto a piece of parchment paper.
- Place another piece of parchment paper over the top of crayon shavings.
- Tape down edges and make sure to remove air bubbles.
- With adult supervision, use a hair dryer to melt the shavings until they form a colorful, melted surface.
- Wait for melted crayons to dry before cutting raindrop shapes out of the melted wax, leaving the parchment paper on.
- Tie thin string to a dowel and tape raindrops to the string to form sun catcher.