Resin Frames

by JOANN |

Item # 092195446P251
Intermediate 1-2 Hours


  • Silicone molds - Frames
  • Resin & resin hardener
  • Silicone pouring cups
  • Popsicle stick/stir stick and toothpick
  • Plastic gloves
  • Opaque dye
  • Shells
  • Glitter
  • Beads


  1. Start by pouring equal parts resin and resin hardener into a silicone pouring cup. Wear plastic gloves to avoid getting resin on skin. Use a popsicle stick to stir the mixture together thoroughly for at least 3-5 minutes. Let the resin sit for several minutes before immediately pouring so the bubbles rise to the top.
  2. Place small objects such as beads, shells, glitter, or pressed flowers in the silicone molds, making sure the objects are below the top edge of the mold.
  3. Pour the resin into the mold very slowly to avoid the formation of bubbles. Allow the resin to settle below the objects and then continue to pour, making sure to avoid the resin overflowing the mold. Add more objects to the resin. Use a toothpick to mix the objects evenly throughout the resin. If the resin does overflow, use a popsicle stick to scrape the excess resin off of the top of the mold. Once mold is filled, allow resin to dry for at least 30-40 hours before removing the pieces from the mold.

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