Ribbon & Felt Medals

by JOANN |

Item # 13016900P24
Beginner 3-5 Hours


  • Assorted colors of ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Assorted colors of felt
  • Hot glue gun
  • Assorted colors of sewing thread
  • Sewing needle
  • Safety pins


Use provided patterns to trace shapes on assorted colors of felt. To print the patterns, click on the "Download Project PDF" button (above).

    To create the “shine on" medal:
  1. Cut circle shapes from provided pattern. Cut 2" pieces of ribbon and fold into loops. Use hot glue to secure ends together and glue to the underside of the piece of circle-shaped felt. Use hot glue to attach a second larger circle to the back.
  2. Use a needle and thread to stitch the letters and basic stitch pattern around the edges.
  3. Use hot glue to attach the largest piece of circle-shaped felt to the back to cover up the ends of stitches.

    To create the “#1 Unicorn" Medal:
  1. Cut circle shapes from provided pattern. Cut various colors of ribbon into 2-3" pieces.
  2. Use needle and thread to stitch the letters and basic stitch pattern around the edge of the smallest circle.
  3. Bundle together the cut pieces of ribbon and use hot glue to attach to the back of the felt circle. Attach a second piece of circle-shaped felt to the back to cover stitches. Layer a third larger felt circle to the back and secure using hot glue.

    To create the star medal:
  1. Cut shapes from provided pattern.
  2. Cut small pieces of ribbon and attach to the top part of the pattern.
  3. Use needle and thread to stitch basic pattern around the edge and a star pattern in the center. Use hot glue to attach second larger shape to the back of the first felt shape to hide the stitching.

Use hot glue to attach a safety pin to the back of each medal. Attach small piece of felt over the hot glue to secure safety pin in place.

JOANN Hacks:

  • Use a lighter to singe the ends of the ribbon to prevent unraveling.

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