Sewing Card Pillows and Tote

Item # 3165880P151
Beginner 3-5 Hours

Burlap Pillow with Yarn Embroidered Design


  • 1/2 yd burlap
  • 14" Pillow Form
  • Variegated Yarn, 1 skein
  • Coordinating solid yarn
  • Chalk pencil
  • Yarn needle


  1. Cut 2 pieces of burlap 16" x 16" for pillow front and back.
  2. Use chalk pencil to draw a seam line 1" in on all 4 sides of pillow front.
  3. Draw a square 2" in from seam line.
  4. Draw another square 2" in from first square; then draw a square in the center 2" in from second square.
  5. With two strands of the variegated yarn, use a running stitch to stitch around first square two times on pillow front.
  6. With two strands of the variegated yarn, use a running stitch to stitch around second square filling in square as shown until center square is reached.
  7. Use coordinating solid yarns and a long stitch to stitch zig-zag lines from seam line to first square and between first and second square.
  8. Use a long stitch to fill in center square.
  9. Beginning at bottom corner, stitch front to back along drawn seam line with a 1/2" running stitch leaving bottom open.
  10. Insert pillow form and stitch bottom closed.
  11. Continue stitching around pillow again.

Burlap Pillow with Button Flowers


  • 1/2 yd burlap
  • 14" pillow form
  • 12-14 3/4"-1-1/2" assorted colored buttons
  • Coordinating felt scraps
  • 10 - 12 yds green yarn
  • Chalk pencil
  • Yarn needle


  1. Cut 2 pieces of burlap 16" x 16" for pillow front and back.
  2. Use chalk pencil to draw a seam line 1" in on all 4 sides of pillow front.
  3. Cut circles from felt scraps to coordinate with buttons for flowers; lay flowers as desired onto pillow front.
  4. Use green yarn to sew buttons and felt backs in position.
  5. Use chalk pencil to mark flower stems and leaves onto pillow front.
  6. With green yarn, embroider stems and leaves with a 1/2" long running stitch.
  7. Beginning at bottom corner, stitch front to back along drawn seam line with a 1/2" running stitch leaving bottom open.
  8. Insert pillow form and stitch bottom closed.
  9. Continue stitching around pillow again.

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