
how it works

Barcode on phone icon
It's easy! Use your barcode in-store. Earn rewards automatically when you sign in online or in the app.
Barcode on phone icon
Smile icon
Woohoo! Receive coupons & offers crafted just for you, plus inspiration customized to what you love to make.
Smile icon
Present icon
There's more! Take advantage of bonus discount days, birthday rewards, and other special surprises along the way.
Present icon

our app has other ways to save



save 15% on every
purchase every day!


JOANN Smiles is a personalized program in our app that's tailored to fit your own passions and interests. By completing missions, you'll receive rewards crafted just for you. Plus, you'll receive other special surprises throughout the year.
JOANN Smiles members reap the benefits with personalized coupons & offers, bonus discount days, birthday rewards, & special surprises
To sign up for the program, all you need to do is download the app and sign in!
It's time to go shopping! But first take a look at your mission in your JOANN Smiles dashboard to see what's in your checklist.
Every logged in user will receive personalized missions with a set of checklist items that are to be completed. When you've completed the mission, you'll receive a reward!
Tap the JOANN Smiles banner on the app homepage, or find it in the "More" menu.
Present your JOANN Smiles code at checkout to track your purchases and earn rewards crafted just for you.
Yes, be sure to log in and complete checkout.
Absolutely! Your reward card also should have an online code as well. Simply enter that into the ″promo″ field on® to receive your discount.
Yes, the easiest way to earn rewards is to use JOANN Smiles with every purchase, whether you're in-store, signed in to, or shopping within the app. With or without coupons, you'll still earn towards your mission.
This discount is not valid with any other Total Purchase Coupon; if a higher Total Purchase Coupon is available, we will honor that instead of the Smiles Discount. This discount can be used with some Regular-Priced Item Coupons and total savings will be available at checkout.
Unfortunately, we cannot retroactively give credit for purchases made without the JOANN Smiles barcode.
In your JOANN Smiles dashboard, you'll be able to view your mission's expiration date, as well as a countdown to how much time is left.
You can track the progress of your mission by clicking on the JOANN Smiles Dashboard link located in the JOANN app. Your progress is listed below the mission end date. If you do not have the JOANN app you can check your progress by looking in the JOANN Smiles section of your most recent email. It may take up to 24 hours to update your progress after you have made an in-store purchase and up to a week after you have made an online purchase.
Our app provides the best JOANN Smiles experience, but you will also receive mission and rewards via email.
Each mission is comprised of a checklist of items. Once you've completed the checklist, the reward is complete and you'll earn a reward! For rewards that are based on the amount spent, only one reward will be provided, even if the amount spent exceeds the minimum requirement.
Check your JOANN Smiles dashboard for the date your reward will become available.
The reward will only work on purchases that are equal to or more than the amount of the reward. For example, if your reward is $10 off your total purchase, your total purchase must equal $10 or more.
This program is all-inclusive and works seamlessly with all other existing JOANN coupons and programs. We encourage you to use JOANN Smiles on every purchase, whether you're in-store, signed in to, or shopping within the app
Yes, you can use your reward and coupons on the same in-store purchase.
No, but you may take the coupon to any JOANN store and use it towards your next purchase.
JOANN Smiles is an expansion on the rewards you used to receive and so much more! This program celebrates you as an individual customer by offering personalized missions, rewards, special surprises, and even inspiration and products based on what you love. Plus, you'll now have the ability to check the status of your mission in our app!
We're still crafting your JOANN Smiles mission. Please check back soon and we'll have you on the path to savings!
Your reward can be used on in-store regular-priced and sale-priced items. Rewards are not valid on online orders or JOANN+ orders placed in-store or online.
If you weren't able to find the answer to your question, please contact so someone can help you.