Spooky Faux Flowers

by Rit Dye |

Item # 04016720P26
Beginner 1-2 Hours


  • White faux flowers
  • Rit DyeMore Liquid Dye for Synthetics: Graphite
  • Stainless steel pot
  • Measuring cup
  • Plastic gloves 
  • Plastic table cover 
  • Paper towels 


  1. Cover work area with plastic table cover and have paper towels handy to protect against any possible spills. Gather supplies. 
  2. For best results, rinse faux flowers in cold water to remove any finishes that may interfere with dye absorption. Leave damp.
  3. Wearing rubber gloves, fill a stainless steel pot with 3 gallons of very hot water. Cover pot and heat water on stove top to just below boiling (200 F° or greater). Add 1 bottle of Graphite DyeMore Liquid Dye for Synthetics to dye bath. 
  4. To enhance the color, add 1 teaspoon of dish detergent to help promote level dyeing.
  5. Immerse flower heads in dye bath. Stir slowly and continuously. The first 10 minutes are the most critical. Stirring helps to ensure an even color with no splotches.
  6. The flower heads can remain in dye bath from 10 minutes up to 30 minutes. When desired color is achieved, remove from dye bath. Material will look darker when wet and will dry lighter. Squeeze out excess dye.
  7. Rinse in cool water until water runs clear. 

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